17 December 2023

Binary Blankie

I thought I'd do a year long project, you know like a temperature blanket or scarf.

But I don't think I really have the patience for something that takes all year, though. and having something unfinished hanging around for a YEAR!! Nope.

I've done that before, a scarf. I didn't take a year; I looked up the temperatures from the year before and smashed it out over a couple of weekends.

I still like the idea of using data to make something though.

Interesting data sets might include:

idea 1:
How many traffic lights are green on my way to work each day.
I could do a 5 row square (there are 5 traffic lights) each row based on green/red.
I would have to pay attention and remember the lights and write them down when I got to work. All year. I probably wouldn't do that!

idea 2:
I can see a crane out my window. It has a flashy light on top. If I glance up at the end of each row and see if it's on or off, that would determine the colour of the next row. Lets see how that will work by noting it down --- oh the tree outside has leaves now. I can't actually see the flashy light at the moment!!

idea 3:
I like the on/off or yes/no idea. It's 2 balls of yarn. 
That's binary! I could write something and convert it to binary code 0010010100101111010101010 (not actual binary) that would make a nice stripe sequence. 
So I looked up how binary code works and each letter, or other character, is 8 bits (or rows for us) So I could do squares and each square is a character of 8 rows/bits. 

An 8 row granny or solid dc square is fairly big.
I could change the colours each square so it's not too samey-samey. 
Maybe have all the '1' in a blue/ green palette and all the '0' in a red/ orange/ pink palette.

Hmm, OK. So 3 rows of 4 letters (or 4 rows of 3 letters)
yarn     01111001 01100001 01110010 01101110
cake    01100011 01100001 01101011 01100101
hugs     01101000 01110101 01100111 01110011   
Ok, well the colours need work, but that's what the word yarn looks like in binary granny squares. I'm sure you Never wondered!

I used the first text too binary converter in google search to get the codes.
And stitch fiddle to get an idea of what they look like.
Oooo, I likey!

Right so that's a plan.
Not sure about the rectangle though. What's another word to add?

yarn     01111001 01100001 01110010 01101110
hugs     01101000 01110101 01100111 01110011  
cake    01100011 01100001 01101011 01100101
love     01101100 01101111 01110110 01100101
and a border

This is going to be fun!

and the same thing in 2 colours:
I think I like the multi colour one better.

SO that's the plan - a binary blankie!

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